A Rare Glimpse into the Future of Higher Education with Austin Louis

Austin is a recent graduate of 'Wayfinding Academy' in Portland, Oregon. It's common to hear that the education system is broken, but what I think this conversation provides is a rare glimpse into the possible future of higher education.
I sat down with Austin in Portland, Oregon and we dive into some of his experience at the fascinating Wayfinding Academy. Hearing his vulnerable story gave me hope.

We talk about the courage required to step outside the curiosity-crippling traditional system into what he called the 'space between stories' and develop new worldviews.

I found it inspiring to see the path that he has now found which feels more aligned with the human he aspires to become.

📝Show Notes:

🏫 I thoroughly recommend that you check out Wayfinding Academy in Portland & their manifesto

📷 Follow Austin's creative adventures on Instagram @AustinLouis_

❓Listener Question >> “What subjects might you include in a curriculum that was fit for the future?” Tag @jonnym1ller on Twitter or Instagram.

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Musical Credits >> Thanks so much to the Heinali who generously provided the musical accompaniments.

A Rare Glimpse into the Future of Higher Education with Austin Louis
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